Raspberry Precooling

When the first MACS Cooler was installed in 2004, it was used to precool strawberries. But it wasn’t long before raspberries and blueberries (pre-IQF) hit the MACS. And that’s when we learned how fast a MACS Cooler can really perform. The lower mass of raspberries and blueberries (compared to strawberries) allows for rapid precooling on a MACS Cooler.

Raspberries can be precooled for fresh produce sale or precooled for pre-IQF. In the pre-IQF method, the fruit is rapidly cooled, allowing the berries to better handle processing at the IQF side. Benefits of this method are that the fruit firms up soon after harvest, preventing softening and mold growth while waiting for the IQF.

MACS Cooler customers in California precool raspberries for fresh use, while Washington State owners precool for pre-IQF.

Do you have a raspberry precooling need? Request a quote and see how a MACS Cooler can work for you.